







3,000----three thousand;   5,000----five thousand;    10,000----ten thousand


語法 Grammar in use






(2)the的發音:the在辅音前讀/J+/,如:the floor, the table, the bed, the desk; the在元音(即畸形前裏用an的詞的尾字母)之前支/J!:;;;;:/,如the engineer, the ice cream, the old man, the open window。噹偺們唸使聽話者非凡重視the前面的名詞時,the便讀為/J!:/,意義是“那一個並且只是這一個”或“主要是這一個”。




A the凡有清楚的所指(即以談話人或聽話人已知的人或物為條件);


B the可与單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞及不成數名詞(总是單數情勢)連用。






Where is the refrigerator? 冰箱正在哪裏?       On the right./It's on the right. 正在左側。

辭匯進建 Word study


1.cup n.



      I have a beautiful set of tea cups.  我有一套好麗的茶杯。


      I'd like a cup of tea.  我念喝一杯茶。




      Would you like another cup?  你要再來一杯嗎?


      You can get a good cup at Lucy' s Café.  您能在露西咖啡館喝到一杯上好的咖啡。


2.glass n.



   ,翻譯;    Give me a glass of water, please.  請給我一杯水。


       There's a clean wine glass on the table.  桌上有一只浑潔的羽觴。




       He has had a glass too much.  他多喝了一杯(或喝醉了)。


       I'd like to enjoy a glass now and then.  我愛好不斷喝面酒。


訓練謎底 Key to written exercises


Lesson 26


1 Give me a glass. Which glass? The empty one.


2 Give me some cups. Which cups? The cups on the table.


3 Is there a book on the table? Yes, there is. Is the book red?


4 Is there a knife in that box? Yes, there is. Is the knife sharp?



1 There's a cup on the table.  The cup is clean.


2 There's a box on the floor.  The box is large.


3 There's a a glass in the cupboard.   The glass is empty.


4 There's a knife on the plate.   The knife is sharp.


5 There's a fork on the tin.   The fork is dirty.


6 There's a bottle in the refrigerator.   The bottle is full.


7 There's a pencil on the desk.   The pencil is blunt.

