
職場英語 十個好習慣助你步進勝利

 These 10 habits of highly successful women range from maintaining yourhormonal balance to letting go of the past -- and they will positivelyaffect your mind, body, and soul。


  Taking action is a crucial habit of successful women…and so is dreaming! Don't let go of your passions.。。


  1. Maintain your hormonal balance。


  Areyou moody, exhausted, irritable, or sad? Check your hormones. Ifthey're out of whack, then you'll struggle to be successful! Make sureyou're getting enough protein and vitamins, and decrease your refinedsugars and carbohydrates。


  2. Forgive yourself for your mistakes。


  Highlysuccessful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices orfailures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learnedto new situations。


  3. Connect with who you are。


  Beinga daughter, wife, or mother is one aspect of your life. It does'tdefine who you are as a woman. To connect with who you are, find andexpress your authentic self. The more authentic you are, the more appealing you’ll be to others 煩忙 and to yourself!


  4. Avoid energy vampires。


  Doyou feel drained or sad after spending time with a particular friend,coworker, or relative? Limit the time you spend with him or her. Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person; if you feelenergized and happy, then you’re in good company. Highly successful women choose their companions wisely。


  5. Speak kindly to yourself!


  If you beat yourself up for being overweight, a "bad" mom, or notexercising enough, you just create a downward spiral. Highly successfulwomen remind themselves of their achievements and successes. Theyrefuse to tell themselves negative things; they accept themselves。


  6. Listen to your body。


  Iheard Oprah Winfrey say this about 10 years ago: listen to what yourbody is telling you. Are you sad, furious, or depressed? Follow yourbody's cues。

  10年之前我就聽Oprah Winfrey說過:聽聽你身體報告你的。你是不是哀思,易喜,憂傷?違抗你身體的表现。

  7,韓文翻譯. Volunteer your time。


  Findsomething that takes you out of your comfort zone or that you love todo. You'll feel great that you're helping others out 煩闲 and volunteeringdirectly improves your physical health. Highly successful women stepout of their comfort zones and takes risks。


  8. Let go of perfectionism。


  Striveto do your best, but let go of perfectionist tendencies. Accepting thatyou're doing the best you can is a habit of highly successful women.Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul!


  9. Use your core strengths。


  Are you a natural mathematician,writer, or party planner,法翻中? Discover your core strengths by tryingdifferent things until you find what fits. To take risks and try newthings, take short-term volunteer positions or volunteer for newprojects at work or in your community。


  10. Take time for yourself。


  Thishabit for highly successful women is my favorite: take time to rechargeyour batteries and refuel your emotional, spiritual, and physicalenergy. Spend at least a few minutes alone each day 翻 even if you haveto lock yourself in the bathroom to do it!



英語經常应用書里語[5] Thinking about possible futu

[5] Thinking about possible future activities. 考虑已來能夠處寘的運動

661. If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I think I'll go shopping.
662. There's a possibility we'll go,翻譯,but it all depends on the weather.
663. If I have time tomorrow,I think I'll get a haircut.
664. I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short.
665. My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up.
666. If I get my work finished in time,I'll leave for New York Monday.
667. Suppose you couldn't go on the trip.How would you feel?
668. What would you say if I told you I couldn't go with you?
669. If I buy tha car,I'll have to borrow some money,翻譯.
670. If I went with you,I'd have to be back by six o'clock.
671. One of these days,I'd like to take a vacation.
672. As soon as I can,I'm going to change jobs.
673. There's a chance he won't be able to be home for Christmas.
674. We may be able to help you in some way.
675. If you were to attend the banquet ,what would you wear?


辦公室書里語 第十七講 约定心試

Scheduling an interview

A: Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you.
B: That’s right, Ms,翻譯. Bower. How are you? I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fit you in this week, I’m afraid.
A: I understand, Mr. Carmichael. I’d be glad to make it some time next week.
B: All right, then. Why don’t we say next Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.?





  So,you know,it is what it is, but Americans are totally annoyed by the use of "whatever" in conversations。

  The popular slacker term of in difference was found "most annoying inconversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist Collegepoll released Wednesday。

  "Whatever" easily beat out "you know," which especially grated a quarter of respondents. The other annoying contenders were "anyway"(at 7 percent),"it is what it is" (11 percent) and "at the end of theday" (2 percent)。

  "Whatever" ― pronounced "WHAT'-ehv-errr" when exasperated ― is an expression with staying power. Immortalized in song by Nirvana ("oh well, whatever, nevermind") in 1991, popularized by the Valley girls in "Clueless" later that decade, it is still commonly used, often by younger people。

  It can be an all-purpose

  argument-ender or a signal of apathy. And it can really be annoying.The poll found "whatever" to be consistently disliked by Americansregardless of their race, gender,age,income or where they live。

  "It doesn't surprise me because 'whatever' is in a special class,probably," said Michael Adams, author of "Slang: The People's Poetry"and an associate professor of English at Indiana University. "It's aword that ― and it depends how a speaker uses it ― can suggest dismissiveness."

  Adams,who was not involved in the poll and is not annoyed by "whatever,"points out that its use is not always negative. It also can be used inplace of other, neutral phrases that have fallen out of favor, like"six of one, half dozen of the other," he said。

  But the negative connotation might explain why "whatever" was judged more annoying than the ever-popular "you know," which was recently given apublic workout by Caroline Kennedy during her flirtation with the New York U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton. "You know,"Adams notes, is a way for speakers to seek assent from others。

  Pollsters at the Poughkeepsie, N.Y. college surveyed 938 US adults by telephone Aug. 3-Aug 6. The margin of error

  is 3.2 percentage points. The five choices included were chosen by people at the poll discussing what popular words and phrases might beconsidered especially annoying, said spokeswoman Mary Azzoli。



  “Whatever”沉緊擊敗“youknow(你曉得)”位居榜尾,四分之一的受訪者最厭煩後者。其它噹選的最惹人厭的用語還包括“anyway(總之;掃正)(7%)“,“it iswhat it is(這即是事实)”(11%),跟“at the end of the day(到頭來)”(2%)。

  “Whatever”是一個帶有忍耐意味的剖明,在語氣減輕時,它常被讲成“WHAT'-ehv-errr”。涅磐樂隊於1991年演唱的一尾歌曲使whatever這個詞被人們記著(其中呈現歌詞oh well, whatever, nevermind),而正在統一年代的前期,影片《獨發風流》中的山穀女孩又使之廣為風行。現在,這一辭匯仍然很經常应用,在年轻人中特别风行。




  但其否認意味或能夠說明為何“whatever”要比初終风行的“you know”更令人厭惡。比來,卡羅琳・肯僧迪(譯者注:約翰・F・肯僧迪總統(1963年遇刺)的女女,美国民主黨政客)一時髦起,故意競選希推裏・羅德姆・克林頓離職後空缺的紐約州聯邦參議員席位,她在那段時代的一次拜訪中頻仍應用“you know”這個詞。亞噹斯稱,“you know”這個詞是談話者寻求讚成的一種方式。



火白十月:Hunt for red October

   Red leaves on show at Badaling section of the Great Wall.

   Two visitors relax on the chair lift up Fragrant Hills.

  Fragrant Hills

  Colorful shades are starting to appear among the flora.

  Red leaf fans are now praying for cold weather. The falling foliage of autumn is a sheer delight to color-enthralled tourists. And the Fragrant Hills in northwest Beijing is not the only place to watch this autumn's scenery.

      But the real change in color happens only when a cold snap occurs, usually a drop of 10 C.
  Unfortunately for red-leaf watchers, the weather experts are predicting sunny skies and 20 C temperatures for at least another week.
  But when the cold change eventually comes, a 230-km belt of red leaves will appear around the outskirts of Beijing. The Red Leaves Project was started by the Beijing Forestry Bureau in 2000.
  At the Fragrant Hills, the 12th Red Leaf Festival runs from this weekend to Dec 8 and tickets cost 10 yuan.
  The annual event is held every fall, when all the Fragrant Hills are blanketed with fiery red leaves.
  The abundance of rain this summer has promoted the growth of red-leaf trees, so the viewing time is expected to last until mid November at least.
  A Fragrant Hills spokesman said the best time to see red leaves in the park was from now to early December. More than 90 percent of the leaves turn red during the period.

  The park will hold a series of activities such as photography contest and poetry competition. The park is also cooperating with Fragrant Hills post office to design a series of red-leaf postcards.
  During prime time last year, up to 40,000 visitors came to the park from Monday to Friday on average and the number even reached 70,000 on the weekends.
  For many travelers, taking the bus from downtown to the Fragrant Hills is always a problem.
  "I still remembered the first time I went to the Fragrant Hills six year ago," said Tang Xiangyang, an office worker in Beijing.
  "I spent more than 2 hours on the way from Sihui to the park, even though with subway. It is terrible."
  To fix the traffic problem, Beijing Public Transport Holdings said 100 additional buses will run during the festival.
  Apart from the Fragrant Hills, Badaling National Forest Park is also a hot spot for visitors for both beautiful scenery of the Great Wall and red leaf.
  According to He Chen, an officer of Badaling National Forest Park, the park will hold photography competitions of "Red Leaf Baby" and "Red Leaf Fairy" with the photos of babies or ladies that are related to red leaves.


【地道英語】Hunky-dory 一切皆好,出題目

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Helen: Hi, I'm Helen, 懽收收聽《地道英語》節目。Sorry, I'll be with you in a moment, Chris – I'm just on the phone to Rob...

  Chris: Sure.

  Helen: Rob, do you need me to come and record with you in the studio this afternoon?


  Rob: No, don't worry – I've got Neil coming over to record with me. Everything's hunky-dory.

  Helen: Everything's wha-?

  Rob: Gotta go. Speak to you later – bye!

  Helen: OK, b- … Oh, he hung up. Rob 竟然把我的德律風給掛了。

  Chris: Having a busy day, Helen?

  Helen: Yes, it's been so busy – I've got to move all these boxes. How is your day going?

  Chris: No problems really. I've finished my script and I've already recorded another programme with Rosie... I'm hunky-dory.

  Helen: Hunky-dory? 刚才 Rob 也是這麼對我讲的。這是甚麼意義?你們兩個怎樣看皆不是屬於那種 hunky 類型的人。

  Chris: What?!

  Helen: Well, 我的印象中 hunky 能夠用往描写肌肉興旺的,有吸引力的汉子。

  Chris: Well yes, hunky is a slang word for describing someone who is muscular…

  Helen: So, you're not telling the truth when you say, 'I'm hunky… Dory'. My name's not 'Dory' though – why do you call me that?

  Chris: I wasn't lying and saying 'I'm hunky'… and I wasn't calling you 'Dory' either. The phrase hunky-dory doesn't have anything to do with being muscular – it's an informal way of saying something's fine or satisfactory.

  Helen: 本來如此,這麼說 hunky dory 這個剖明的意义是一切皆很好,英漢互譯,不題目。It's a bit of a strange phrase though.

  Chris: Yes, it is. No-one really knows where it comes from, other than it's believed to be an American phrase.

  Helen: I see. 那個短語能夠源於好國。So how can you use it?

  Chris: Well, here are some examples:

  · I was really worried I'd lost her, but everything's hunky-dory now – she was waiting for me by the car

  · Our washing machine broke last night. An engineer is coming to take a look at it today, so it should be hunky-dory soon.

  Chris: So you can use hunky-dory as an informal way to say that a situation is fine.

  Helen: Now I understand! … Well, sadly nothing is hunky-dory for me… I've got all these boxes to move.

  Chris: Is that why you invited my here?

  Helen: Maybe…

  Chris: Hmm… right then, let's get on with it. Where do you want them?

  Helen: Just over there, please,中法翻譯.

  Chris: OK…

  Helen: Thanks! Haha! My work will soon be done! … 好了,来日的節目便到這女,偺們下次再會。Bye-bye!


職場英語 會議適用書里語之總結散會經常应用語



The opinions presented so far may be summarized as



In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I would point out that,

although we have made gratifying progress, many still

remains to be done.


This meeting has been an important one but I am sure that

you all recognize that our real work has just begun.



As Chairman, I would like to thank you for attending and to congratulate you on the fact that we have completed all of

the items on our agenda.


I hope to see you again.



【生活單語】做最好的自己 那十件事請放手

1.Stop running from your problems. – Face them head on. No, it won’t be easy. There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them. We aren’t supposed to be able to instantly solve problems. That’s not how we’re made. In fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble and fall. Because that’s the whole purpose of living – to face problems, learn, adapt, and solve them over the course of time.


2.Stop being scared to make a mistake. – Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing. Every success has a trail of failures behind it, and every failure is leading towards success. You end up regretting the things you did NOT do far more than the things you did.



3.Stop berating yourself for old mistakes. –We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.



4.Stop being idle. – Don’t think too much or you’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place. Evaluate situations and take decisive action. You cannot change what you refuse to confront.



5.Stop thinking you’re not ready. – Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first.



6.Stop letting others bring you down to their level. – Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs.



7.Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments. – Enjoy the little things, because one day you may look back and discover they were the big things. The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.



8.Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others. – Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it anyway. Just do what you know in your heart is right.



9.Stop doing the same things over and over without taking a break. – The time to take a deep breath is when you don’t have time for it. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.



10.Stop trying to make things perfect. – The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.




As a society, we're obsessed with achievement. But what happens once you're considered objectively successful, with a great salary and a job that energizes you? It's easy to rest on your accomplishments and your way of getting work done, perhaps even feeling there's not much left to learn。


But in this economy, you can't afford to sit back -- even though it might be tempting。


'Successful people fall into the trap of thinking they don't need to change anything because their behavior is working for them,' says Marshall Goldsmith, author of 'What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful.' 'Every time they get promoted...they get positive reinforcement even when certain skills are lacking.'

《来日不必以往:勝利人士若何获得更大年夜勝利》(What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful)的做者戈德史女人(Marshall Goldsmith)讲,樂成者经常會跌進一個骗局,以為他們不需轉變任何事务了,由於他們的處事方式卓有成傚。即便是他們缺乏某些技能,每噹他們得到選拔時,他們便會獲得正強化。

Know Your Weaknesses 領會不够

But examining where you might have shortcomings can make or break a career。


David Hale of Columbia, S.C., quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation Command。

北卡羅往納州的黑尒(David Hale)很快就降為憲兵的嘍羅,並获得了很吃噴鼻的好國陸軍犯罪攷察司令部(Army Criminal Investigation Command)測謊員的職位。

'I was my own biggest fan, and being cocky, I would try to force confessions from suspects either prior to or based on their exams,' he says. But he didn't take the time to understand that criminals are more likely to confess to people they like and trust. 'My results fell way below other examiners,' Mr. Hale says。


Mr. Hale didn't realize he needed to change until his boss transferred him and said that if his confession rate didn't increase, he would be fired. He studied forensic interviewing, worked on relating to subjects on an emotional level, and pursued courses in leadership, counseling and psychology. Eventually, Mr. Hale began to rise again in his career, and he became known as one of the top polygraph examiners anywhere。


Necessary Skills 必備技朮

Becoming as successful as you can be -- after you've already climbed part of the ladder -- means you need two things。


For starters, you need outstanding people skills: Listen carefully, think before you speak, reciprocate favors and manage conflicts diplomatically。


Second, you must regularly take a hard look at yourself and address your weak points. For example, if you have a communication issue with one person or a group of people, step away from the blame game and ask yourself, 'How can I be better?' Make sure people are honest with you by requesting feedback anonymously and confidentially。


If you're employed by a large organization, consider contacting human resources to see what training is available. You may have the opportunity to take leadership-development courses online or in-person for free。


But the most important thing to keep in mind is that just because you're skilled or talented in a particular area doesn't mean you should simply pass go and collect your $200。


I, for instance, was hesitant to work with a speaking coach because my audience evaluations didn't mandate it, but once I learned that the top speakers in the world -- from Tony Robbins to President Barack Obama -- have worked with coaches, I changed my mind。

比喻,我曾遲疑是否是與演講參謀協做,由於我的聽众評估顯現我沒需要如許做,但噹我获悉世界上頂尖的演講者──從羅賓斯(Tony Robbins)到奧巴馬總統──皆曾与報告參謀共同時,我就改動了主张。

Says Mr. Goldsmith: 'Strong leaders don't coast.'
