
President Bush Arrives in Jerusalem - 英語演講

January 9, 2008

PRESIDENT BUSH: President Peres and Prime Minister Olmert, I thank you for your warm wele. You know, it's been nearly a decade since I've been in Israel. I've really been looking forward to ing back. Truth of the matter is,越南文翻譯, when I was here last time, I really didn't think I'd be ing back as President of the United States. But I knew I'd e back, because Israel is a special place. And it's a great honor to make my first visit as the President of the United States. Thank you all for ing out to wele me.

My one regret is that my wife isn't traveling today. Laura is back home in Washington, but she sends her very best regards to both of you all and to the people of Israel.

The United States and Israel are strong allies. The source of that strength is a shared belief in the power of human freedom. Our people have built two great democracies under difficult circumstances. We built free economies to unleash the potential of our people. And the alliance between our two nations helps guarantee Israel's security as a Jewish state.

Each of our nations must guard against terror. We must firmly resist those who murder the innocent to achieve their political objectives. We must recognize that the great ideology based upon liberty is hopeful. Working the lines here, one of the religious leaders said, remember, Mr. President, justice and love. Justice and love is based upon a society that weles human rights and human dignity, a society which recognizes the universality of freedom. And that's what we stand for today. We will do more than defend ourselves. We seek lasting peace. We see a new opportunity for peace here in the Holy Land, and for freedom across the region.

I look forward to my meetings with President Peres and Prime Minister Olmert. We will discuss our deep desire for security, for freedom,日文翻譯, and for peace throughout the Middle East. I want to thank the people of Israel for their friendship and hospitality, and I appreciate the opportunity to visit your beautiful country once again. God bless,越南文翻譯.

END 12:25 P.M. (Local)

